How Hybrid Work Has Changed Talent Acquisition

Have you noticed that many job listings now have the word “hybrid” in the job description? Hybrid work refers to a working model where employees work partly at the office and partly from home. This arrangement gained momentum during the pandemic, and it is increasingly prevalent in the modern workplace. Many companies have realized the benefits of continuing operations remotely, at least part-time. 

According to Gallup, 52% of workers are hybrid or remote, and a majority of the workforce prefers remote or hybrid work. This desire for flexibility is now affecting hiring processes. 

Hybrid Work Creates New Considerations for Job Descriptions and Skill Requirements

Collaboration among team members can be challenging when some are on-site and others are remote. We can find an example of this interdisciplinary collaboration in Go-To-Market (GTM) teams. GTM teams are already complex, usually consisting of product marketers, sales, customer support, and product development staff. When you add remote and hybrid schedules to the mix, maximizing productivity can be especially difficult. How can employers strike a balance between what workers want, and what’s best for the team?

Establish Clear Expectations in Job Ads

With a variety of working arrangements available, job descriptions must be specific. Will the position be remote, on-site, or hybrid? For hybrid or remote jobs, it’s particularly important to describe the essential functions, roles, and responsibilities, along with the specific skills required to work from home. 

Not all jobs can be done remotely, and some others may have restrictions. For example, if the job requires handling confidential information, the employee may need to connect only from a home office and not from a public WiFi connection. If a job must be done on-site, that should be made plain in your job description. 

Shop for the Right Skills

When a position is remote, tech skills—especially proficiency in virtual communication tools—are some of the capabilities you should list in the job description. Abilities like using digital tools, having good writing and communication skills, being a self-starter, and being able to collaborate with others are critical current job requirements. 

Virtual Recruitment and Onboarding Processes Have Become Standard Practice 

Due to the pandemic, many companies had to adjust to hybrid and virtual recruitment and staff management to continue operations. 

Many components of the virtual recruitment process may be automated or supported by digital tools, resulting in greater efficiency. Tools like video interviewing, screening chatbots, and text recruiting are some methods organizations are using to hire faster, improve the candidate experience, and reduce sourcing costs. 

Perfect Your Remote Interviewing Techniques

Remote interviews and virtual recruiting have been around since the early 2000s, but they gained momentum out of necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, virtual recruiting has become standard for part or even most of the recruitment process. 

If you’re not sure where to start improving your skills, here are some top video-interviewing tips: 

  • Do a tech check: You don’t want your interview to be disturbed by a bad internet connection. Prepare for the interview by checking your webcam and audio. Make sure your devices are charged, and practice the interview with a colleague to ensure features like screen sharing are working properly.
  • Provide clear instructions: Keep in mind that the candidate may not be familiar with the platform you choose for the interview. Make sure you send them clear instructions on how to join and use the platform with enough time for them to prepare before the interview. The instructions should include any passwords needed to access the platform.
  • Focus on presentation and representation: Remember that the candidate is assessing you as well, so set a professional tone with your attire and body language. Virtual interviews can be just as stressful as in-person ones, so give your candidate time to feel at ease. Being friendly and maintaining appropriate eye contact can help the interview proceed more naturally. Allow the candidate to talk about their experience, and don’t rush through the conversation.
  • Control the environment: A noisy environment can disrupt the flow of even the best interview. When conducting virtual interviews, find a quiet space with an uncluttered background to demonstrate professionalism and help you focus on the conversation. If there are unavoidable noises during the interview, such as construction nearby, let the candidate know beforehand.
  • Inform the candidate about next steps: One of the most common mistakes when conducting remote interviews is being vague about the next steps in the process. Following up with an email letting the candidate know when they can expect to hear from you can improve their experience. Contact the candidate regardless of their success in the interview.

Establish Effective Virtual Onboarding Strategies

Remote onboarding is becoming a priority for HR managers. According to market forecasts, the value of the onboarding software market may reach $1.35 billion by 2025

An effective onboarding process is critical for the success of employees and the organization. 

The Evaluation and Selection of Remote Candidates Has Changed 

Screening and assessing remote workers can be tricky. Managers must evaluate whether candidates have the necessary skills—and also whether they can work effectively on their own. 

Assessing Remote Work Skills and Self-Management

Working remotely, even part-time, is not for everyone. A remote employee needs to manage their time efficiently and prioritize work. They need to be focused and organized. How can you assess those work-from-home skills before hiring?

A work-from-home skills assessment can determine if a job candidate has the required skills to excel in remote work. Some of the skills you may look for are self-discipline, communication, and the ability to focus. Besides reviewing their resume for remote work experience, you can give them a test task to evaluate some of these abilities. 

Ensuring the Remote Employee Integrates Into Your Culture and Team 

Assessing how well an employee fits into your company culture is relatively easy when you can see them in action. Building a strong company culture is essential for remote teams that may otherwise feel disconnected from the organization. However, achieving a cultural fit for remote employees can be challenging.

Apply these strategies for integrating remote team members: 

  • Hire deliberately. Take advantage of the interview to evaluate how well the candidate may fit into your company’s culture. Ask behavioral questions that can help provide insights into their values and temperament.
  • Apply team-building techniques. During onboarding, seek to build connections and relationships between team members. For instance, schedule virtual coffee breaks or regular team meetings. Although it’s not always possible to connect everyone at once if you have members in different time zones, it’s worth the effort to build trust and improve collaboration.

What’s Next for Talent Acquisition In the Era of Hybrid Work? 

As the hybrid workplace continues to evolve and become more prevalent, hiring the right candidates for it becomes ever more important. Human resources professionals need to adapt their hiring and onboarding practices to leverage the benefits of hybrid work arrangements. Using virtual recruitment tools and remote work assessments can simplify the hiring process and ensure you find the right person for the job.

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The post How Hybrid Work Has Changed Talent Acquisition appeared first on CloserIQ.

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